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Today's Wordle Hints & Answer – April 30, 2024 (Puzzle #1046)

April 30’s Wordle answer is not going to be the easiest to solve, and players shouldn’t hesitate to use hints when in trouble. The answer is not an uncommon word, but it might not be the first thing players think of. In addition, there’s only one vowel in the middle, which isn’t that important to find. However, if players use Wordle’s alternative mode, they might be able to solve it faster.

Wordle’s hard mode is often used by veterans as it prevents them from using random guesses and is a bit more interesting. But this mode also works well for finding multiple vowels, repeating letters, or figuring out complex answers. As this mode won’t let you use confirmed letters in random spots, you will be forced to be more strategic. What makes the puzzle even easier is using hints along with this mode.

Before giving you some hints, we recommend using some starting words to provide a slight edge from the first attempt. These starting words share quite a few things in common with the answer, such as consonants, vowels, or even some of the letters. One of these starting words will also let you practically solve the answer, as it might reveal almost every aspect of today’s puzzle. So use these words wisely depending on how challenging you want today’s Wordle.




If you need some tips to solve most Wordle questions, check out this video by BuzzFeedPlayer on YouTube.

Since today’s answer is not going as easy as previous solutions, you can use contextual hints that give a bit more idea about the answer. While today’s answer is quite common, it is still possible to lose your daily streak if you aren’t careful with your attempts. Therefore, four hints will let you quickly solve April 30’s Wordle answer.

Since today’s Wordle answer can be slightly tricky to solve, you might want to use the actual answer if you’re on your last few attempts. If you have a solid streak, it isn’t worth losing it using random guesses and instead solving it so that you can try again tomorrow. However, as mentioned earlier, one of the starting words would have let you discover almost every aspect of today’s answer. You could have solved it in two to three attempts had you used that starting word.

April 30’s Wordle answer is PROWL.

If you’re wondering which answers Wordle has already used, here’s a list of the past 10 answers.

Since you like to solve puzzles, there are other games you can play online, such as Wordle. These games are quite similar and don’t cost anything to play. Some even use the same rules and framework as Wordle, while others have fun spins for them. Here are four games you can play when you’re on your next break.

Video Credit: BuzzFeedPlayer/YouTube

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