Movie Reviews

Star Treks 10 Most Evil Mirror Universe Characters

Star Trek‘s Mirror Universe is home to the most evil versions of some of the franchise’s most beloved heroes, but which ones are the best of the worst? First introduced in Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, episode 10, “Mirror, Mirror”, the Mirror Universe is the Federation’s darkest timeline, where humanity embraced brutal fascism over peace, love and understanding. Although the Mirror Universe only appeared in one episode of TOS, bearded Mirror Spock (Leonard Nimoy) left a huge impression on popular culture, leading to multiple returns to the dark timeline and its evil alternates in later Star Trek TV shows.

Arguably, the most evil Mirror Universe character was Mirror Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell), who met the visiting Vulcan delegation with a shotgun blast. Cochrane’s murderous first contact established how the Terran Empire would go on to subjugate countless species in Star Trek‘s Mirror Universe. However, it was just the human Star Trek heroes that had evil Mirror Universe variants, the franchise’s best-loved Bajoran, Klingon, and Cardassian characters also had their dark opposites. In a whole universe of evil Star Trek characters, it can be hard to narrow down exactly which ones are the best at being the worst.

Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) was thrown into the complicated power dynamics of the Mirror Universe when he and his away team were stranded there in “Mirror, Mirror”. After preventing Mirror Chekov (Walter Koenig) from assassinating him, Prime Kirk then had to contend with an attempt on his life from Mirror Hikaru Sulu (George Takei). Sulu versus Kirk was the climax of “Mirror, Mirror”, as the ISS Enterprise’s lieutenant tried to murder his way to the center seat.

Mirror Sulu was, predictably, a more cruel and bitter version of his Prime Universe counterpart. Lt. Nyota Uhura (Nichele Nichols) got a sense of Mirror Sulu’s harsher side when she had to play on his infatuation with her Terran counterpart. Although he wasn’t the worst of the worst of Star Trek‘s Mirror Universe characters, Mirror Sulu is a great example of the dark side of some of the franchise’s best loved characters. However, despite being cruel, conniving, and a stone-cold killer, Sulu was bested by Prime Kirk in a final showdown.

Regent Worf (Michael Dorn) was the ruler of Star Trek‘s Mirror Universe during the 24th century, so he was obviously an evil guy. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine revealed that the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance enslaved all Terrans and Vulcans in various regions of their territory. As the Regent, Worf oversaw the violent oppression of these slaves throughout his reign. The Regent relied on his Intendants to keep the Terrans under his heel, and was enraged by the loss of the Terok Nor space station.

Worf doled out cruel and degrading punishments to those that failed him, including Mirror Elim Garak (Andrew Robinson) who was forced to wear a dog collar for losing Terok Nor to the rebels. However, as evil as Regent Worf may have been, he was presented as a fairly ineffective leader whose empire was crumbling around him. He suffered two embarassing losses in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, at the hands of Prime Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) and the ISS Defiant, and then even got duped by Prime Quark (Armin Shimerman) and Rom (Max Grodenchik) who installed a faulty cloaking device aboard his flagship.

The Mirror Universe version of the avuncular Dr. Phlox (John Billingsley) was a sadist who specialized in torture. Phlox conducted horrific experiments on living beings in pursuit of medical advancement, and served as the chief medical officer aboard the ISS Enterprise NX-01. Phlox specialized in concocting new means of torture to punish the enemies of the Terran Empire, leading to the creation of the Agony booth. This technology conducted a synaptic scan of any humanoid, so that it could stimulate every available pain center, keeping its victims in a state of constant agony.

Despite being an evil sadist, Dr. Phlox was eventually convinced to join the attempt to stop Mirror Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) from using the USS Defiant to become Terran Emperor. However, as ever in Star Trek‘s Mirror Universe, Phlox’s actions were driven by self-interest more than moral duty. Phlox only agreed to stop Archer because he believed that, by saving the life of the incumbent Terran Emperor, he would be rewarded with multiple concubines and an impressive new medical facility.

In Star Trek: Enterprise‘s Mirror Universe, Jonathan Archer was still a Commander, serving alongside Captain Maximillian Forrest (one of Vaughn Armstrong’s multiple Star Trek roles). Archer’s feelings of inadequacy compared to Forrester led him to commit some reckless and evil acts. After stealing the USS Defiant, Archer wanted to gain the respect of his crew, and so launched an assault on a Gorn foreman that had remained aboard the ship. Archer’s attack on the Gorn resulted in many of his MACO troopers being killed, and also left Major Malcolm Reed (Dominic Keating) seriously injured.

Mirror Archer was insane, taunted by an illusion of his superior Prime Counterpart, who drove him to more and more reckless actions. Archer murdered Admiral Black (Gregory Itzin) and assumed command of the USS Defiant, with which he intended to stage a military coup. Archer became increasingly unhinged, and ordered the deaths of the Defiant’s alien crew members, except for Dr. Phlox. Archer was eventually stopped from assuming control of the Terran Emperor, putting an end to further evil acts from the Enterprise captain.

Star Trek: Discovery‘s Emperor Philippa Georgiou (Michelle Yeoh) has certainly gone some way to redeeming her actions in the Mirror Universe. However, it might take a lot more than ending the Federation-Klingon War to wash away the sins of Georgiou from her reign as Terran Emperor. Georgiou rendered the Klingon home world Qo’noS uninhabitable, subjugated the Betazoids and destroyed Mintaka III. Emperor Georgiou also launched a bombardment against the Talosians for trying to trick her with their mental projections.

Georgiou was less xenophobic than her predecessors, happily accepting the native titles of the Vulcans, Andorians and Klingons that she ruled over. It was perhaps this openness with “lesser” species that made her opponents see Emperor Georgiou as a weak leader. The failed coup against Emperor Georgiou led to her traveling to the Prime Universe, where she now lives as a Section 31 operative. It’s said that the upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 movie will see Georgiou confront the sins of her past, continuing the redemptive journey she began in Star Trek: Discovery season 2.

Captain Sylvia “Killy” (Mary Wiseman) was the captain of the ISS Discovery, and a close colleague of Emperor Philippa Georgiou. Tilly rose to her position by murdering the previous captain while they were recovering from an illness, which is one of the most ruthless in a long list of Mirror Universe murders. As captain of the ISS Discovery, the Mirror Universe version of Tilly was just as responsible for the subjugation of the Betazoids and devastation of Mintaka III. However, unlike Georgiou, Mirror Tilly, who had earned the nickname “Killy” never got a chance to redeem herself later in Star Trek: Discovery, nor would she likely want one.

The Mirror Universe Tilly was terrifying to her Prime Universe counterpart, who worried that she’d have nightmares about herself. With such nicknames as “The Slayer of Sorna Prime” and “The Witch of Wurna Prime”, it’s no wonder that Tilly was so unnerved by her Mirror Universe counterpart. “Killy” was the darker, more ambitious version of Star Trek: Discovery‘s Tilly, and she had an impressive, if terrifying list of accolades;

The Mirror Universe version of Hoshi Sato (Linda Park) from Star Trek: Enterprise was an incredibly smart woman who knew which powerful man to throw in her lot with. Effectively playing off Mirror Archer and Mirror Forrest against each other, Hoshi placed herself in a position where she could use the USS Defiant to hold Earth to ransom. Staying close to Archer as his lover during his plot to steal the technologically superior USS Defiant from the Tholians, she waited until the time was right to depose the ambitious leader.

Hoshi seduced Mirror Archer’s personal security officer, Travis Mayweather (Anthony Montgomery) to help her with a poisoning plot. Killing Archer with poisoned champagne, Hoshi became commanding officer of the USS Defiant. She then holds the entire planet Earth to ransom with the USS Defiant in a hostile takeover of the entire Terran Empire. Hoshi’s military coup was one of the boldest moves achieved by any of Star Trek‘s Mirror Universe variants.

Intendant Kira Nerys (Nana Visitor) is the only character to feature in all five of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine‘s Mirror Universe episodes. Mirror Kira was a fascinating character who ruled Terok Nor at the behest of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. Although she was very clearly evil, Intendant Kira Nerys was less brutal than some of her Mirror Universe contemporaries, preferring instead to use manipulation and her sexuality to get what she wanted. That being said, the Intendant regularly veered from ordering the execution of Terran Rebels to subjugating others as her personal slaves to her every whim.

The Intendant was so vain that she was even attracted to Major Kira from the prime Star Trek timeline. As with many Mirror Universe variants, Intendant Kira Nerys was adept at self-preservation, and she would easily stab her allies in the back if it saved her life. For example, Intendant Kira murders the Mirror Universe’s Nog (Aron Eisenberg) even though the young Ferengi had freed her from prison. In her final Star Trek: Deep Space Nine appearance, the Intendant orchestrates the sabotage of Regent Worf’s flagship, leaving behind the ruler of the Mirror Universe to face the punishment of the Terran Rebellion.

The majority of Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, episode 20, “Mirror, Mirror” has Prime Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) fill in for his Terran counterpart. This means that it’s hard to get a handle on how truly evil Mirror Universe Kirk actually was. However, there is a staggering list of crimes attributed to the Terran Empire’s Captain James T. Kirk in “Mirror, Mirror”. As well as murdering Captain Christopher Pike to assume command of the ISS Enterprise, he used stolen alien technology, the Tantalus field, to vaporize his enemies.

Mirror Kirk is also said to have executed 5000 colonists on Vega IX, and also destroyed the home planet of the Gorlans’. None of these genocidal actions are depicted on-screen in Star Trek: The Original Series, as the real Mirror Kirk is largely confined to a cell aboard the Prime Universe’s USS Enterprise. However, there’s no question that the Mirror Universe’s Captain Kirk was one of the very worst of the worst of Star Trek‘s Mirror Universe characters.

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